A Complete Guide on : Can whiplash cause herniated disc?
A herniated disc is a common spinal condition that causes pain and discomfort. It occurs when a disc in the spine ruptures and bulges out through the outer layer of tissue, allowing a small amount of the disc material to leak out of the disc space. If you have experienced this kind of pain, you may wonder whether it is caused by whiplash. If so, here are some ways to treat the condition and prevent it from recurring.
Can whiplash cause herniated disc?
Sometimes herniated discs it caused by whiplash. If this happens, you will need to rest to allow the muscles around the herniated disc to heal. You may wear a brace or neck support to protect the injured area. You may also need to consult with a doctor for treatment. This is very important as herniated discs can cause serious complications. If you don’t take proper care of this, you may experience symptoms like loss of bladder control, severe headaches, neck stiffness, and loss of sensation in your arms and legs. If this continues, you may even lose your ability to move your arms and legs. In cases like this, surgery may be required to relieve the pressure on the nerves.
You should always wear your seatbelt when you are driving. If you don’t, you can experience whiplash, which can cause you a lot of trouble. It is best to keep your head straight and your torso upright while driving. This will help to prevent you from suffering from whiplash. If you do, you can consult with your doctor. The doctor will prescribe you a brace or neck support that you can use while driving. You can buy this at your local pharmacy. You can also visit your local hospital or clinic for a prescription. You should wear your seatbelt every time that you are driving.
What is a herniated disc?
Herniated discs happen when one or more of your vertebrae (the bones in your spine) begin to protrude outwards. When this happens, the protruding part of the vertebrae can irritate the nerves that pass through it. This causes pain and numbness in the affected area. If you have this problem, it is essential to seek medical attention. A doctor will take x-rays of your back. They will also ask you questions about your symptoms. The doctor will diagnose you with a herniated disc if they find that your back pain and numbness are caused by a bulge in one of your vertebrae.
What you need to know about herniated discs:
Herniated discs are standard. They usually affect people between the ages of 30 and 50. They are more likely to occur in men than in women. The most common place for herniated discs is in your lower back.
A herniated disc in your lower back can cause your leg to give way, so you can’t stand up straight. You may also have trouble getting into a sitting position. Your pain may be in your back, buttocks, or legs.